Deep Why is committed to partnership and collaboration in the nonprofit sector. Our direct nonprofit clients tend to have unique needs that demand a customized approach. If you’re a nonprofit who isn’t finding the right fit with an implementation or managed services partner, you might be a great fit for us.

We also welcome partnerships with other organizations in the nonprofit sector who provide implementation and managed services to nonprofit clients. We seek out aligned Salesforce® vendors who share our values in how we serve the sector and who have an exclusive nonprofit focus or a strong nonprofit practice.

We seek out opportunities to partner with fiscal sponsors or funders who have a vision of how technology in the sector can be made fundamentally different, and dramatically more impactful, than it is today.

For Nonprofits

  • Office Hours - a flexible support arrangement for organizations that don’t quite need managed services, but need ongoing access to expert assistance.

  • Advanced Office Hours - flexible access to our senior team’s unique expertise in complex architectures, tricky problems, and enterprise solutions.

  • Custom Projects - if you use (or want to use) Salesforce® but are unable to find a product that fits your needs, give us a shout. Take a look at our portfolio to see the kinds of solutions we create with our nonprofit partners.

For Partners

  • Full support for our HCA’s software tools - Framework and aNote - including white-label or custom solutions that work with your firm’s practices.

  • Custom solutions - accelerators, packages, or just tricky solutions that you don’t have in-house expertise for and don’t want to offshore or entrust to someone that isn’t fully in the nonprofit sector.

  • Software for national organizations with unique program delivery and regional offices. We use our sister company’s ISV experience and our team’s software development expertise to produce high quality software that will never “go to market” but can be deployed to new regions and managed easily.

  • Collaborative or shared-resource solutions. Are you a funder or fiscal sponsor with a big idea about a collaborative solution? We have experience rolling out shared services models using Salesforce® as a central, shared solution across multiple organizations.